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Stop the spread of colds and viruses this coughing and sneezing season

Stop the spread of colds and viruses this coughing and sneezing seasonNothing takes the joy out of the holidays like colds, flus or other viruses. From the common cold and seasonal flus to COVID-19 and RSV, viruses and germs are everywhere during coughing and sneezing season. Our Plano pediatricians have some tips to help you stop the spread of colds and viruses in your household.

Hand-washing is your best friend during coughing and sneezing season

We know you’ve heard this before, but there are very good reasons that frequent and thorough hand-washing is our pediatrician’s first and most important recommendation. Contagious viruses spread not only from coughs and sneezes, but also from touching germy surfaces. That’s why it’s important to teach your kids the proper hand-washing techniques that can help your family stop the spread of colds and viruses.

  • Use clean water from the tap to wet hands.
  • Lather up your entire hands, including the fronts, backs, nails, wrists and between the fingers.
  • Scrub up for at least 20 seconds. This is about as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice, or to sing the alphabet song once.
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean, running water.
  • Dry with a clean towel, or use disposable paper towels if anyone in the family is already ill.
  • Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content works, if you don’t have soap and water available.

Tips from our Plano pediatricians to help you stop the spread of colds and viruses

In addition to washing hands, here are some things you can do to protect your family during the coughing and sneezing season.

  • Teach kids to cough and sneeze into their elbows, if they don’t have a tissue. Model that behavior for them and practice the technique at home.
  • Don’t share dishes, utensils, straws, lip gloss or makeup applicators.
  • Keep the sick person’s toothbrush isolated from the others. Buy a new one when the person gets better.
  • Don’t lie on a sick person’s bedding.
  • Teach kids to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth, or other people’s faces, especially if they’re ill.
  • Use a clean tissue or paper towel to pick up used tissues.
  • Keep tissues or reusable hankies around the house and in cars, purses and backpacks.
  • Disinfect surfaces, including doorknobs, phones and remote controls.

Adults and children can have vaccinations to help prevent the flu, COVID and RSV

Talk to our Plano pediatricians and your physician about the flu, COVID and RSV vaccines. Vaccinations are the best preventative tool to keep your family safe from these viruses.

It’s not easy to stop the spread of colds and viruses, so if the sniffles start at your home, our Plano pediatricians are here for you. Contact us for an appointment.

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