Our blog is another pediatric office resource
Our Plano pediatricians know that informed parents are more effective caregivers. As your partners in healthcare, we want you to have all the helpful information you need. For this reason, we have created a blog to supplement the other online resources our pediatric office recommends.
What our pediatric office providers want caregivers to know
We tailor our blog to issues that we believe are important to parents. Some of the topics we cover include:
- Common illnesses. At our pediatric office, we see lots of patients with colds and upper respiratory infections, ear infections and diarrhea. Often these ailments can be treated at home, but if serious, they may require medical intervention. Ear infections are caused by bacteria and may be treated with antibiotics after an office examination.
- Safety and Preventive Medicine. Vaccination is an essential element of community health. Diseases like whooping cough are highly contagious and can be fatal, but they can be avoided through vaccination.
- Seasonal and environmental maladies. Summers in Texas are hot and sunny, which means that summer skin care is important for parents to keep in mind. In late summer, West Nile virus is also a concern, so effective insect repellent is important.
- Acute Illnesses. Croup is a highly contagious viral illness that causes coughing and fever. Strep throat and scarlet fever are both caused by the same strain of bacteria that causes a sore throat, and in the case of scarlet fever, a rash. Strep throat and scarlet fever can be treated with antibiotics.
Remember that our blog is only intended to supplement your understanding of your child’s health. Children are unique and our pediatric office believes that tailoring healthcare to fit their individual needs means improving the health of the entire Plano community. Never hesitate to contact our pediatric office with specific concerns about your child’s physical, mental or emotional healthcare needs.
Take advantage of our blog and learn more about your child’s healthcare. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our board certified pediatricians.
Teal Pumpkin Project Makes Halloween Less Scary for Kids With Food Allergies
Halloween should be fun and spooky, but it can be downright scary for kids with food allergies. Candy is at the heart of Halloween. Yet, those treats can contain harmful or even life-threatening allergens that are unsafe for the 8 percent of children with food allergies.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
School’s out! Learn about keeping kids healthy during the summer
Summertime, and the livin’ isn’t so easy for parents. You must make plans for your kids when school’s out, try to keep their meals and snacks healthy, and attempt to stick to valuable routines that can fly out the window during summer vacation. Our Plano pediatricians know it’s not easy,
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
When do kids need antibiotics?
Parents often expect our Plano pediatricians to prescribe antibiotics for their sick children, but these medications are not always the right solution. So, when do kids need antibiotics? Antibiotics are only effective for treating bacterial infections. They don’t help with viral infections at all; in fact, they may do more harm than good.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano Sick Child
Spit happens! What you need to know about babies spitting up
Are your clothes covered in spit up? Do you smell like sour milk? Do you run through several burp clothes and shirts every day? Who knew your infant could look so cherubic while feeding one minute, and turn into a spitting alien the next?
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Find out more about the types of learning differences
Is your child struggling in school? He or she may have learning differences. Our Plano pediatricians are here to discuss some common types of differences, including dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. The more you know about these issues, the more you can help your child grow and learn.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Beyond rock-a-bye baby. Pacifiers and other soothing techniques for babies
Babies cry when they are hungry, tired, too hot, too cold or need a diaper change, so you take care of those issues first. But what happens when you can’t figure out why your infant is fussy? Learning soothing techniques for babies gives you tools to try when your baby needs calming.
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Teething tips and dental trips. Find advice about healthy teeth for kids
Baby teeth aren’t permanent but caring for them is the start of healthy teeth for kids. When baby teeth decay, it harms a child’s permanent teeth. Our Plano pediatricians want you to know ensuring a lifetime of smiles doesn’t have to cause anxiety.
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano PSOP Kids
What you should know about swimming lessons for children and water safety
Sun, fun, pool parties and beach days are just around the corner. That means it’s time to talk about swimming lessons for children.
Water safety and swimming skills are critical for kids. According to the Centers for Disease Control, “For children ages 1-14,
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Talking about fevers in children with our Plano pediatricians
Our Plano pediatricians get many phone calls from worried parents about fevers in children. A normal temperature is one degree up or down from 98.6ºF. When a child’s temperature is 100.5ºF or higher, it’s a fever. A child’s fever is not usually dangerous, but it’s important to know when to call the pediatrician.
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano Sick Child
Some sorely needed advice about diaper rash and diaper changes
Babies wear diapers for the first two to three years of their lives. Most of them will have at least one diaper rash during that time. Usually, wet or dirty diapers irritate the skin, but infections and allergies can also cause irritation that’s known as diaper dermatitis.
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano