Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Our blog is another pediatric office resource

Our Plano pediatricians know that informed parents are more effective caregivers. As your partners in healthcare, we want you to have all the helpful information you need. For this reason, we have created a blog to supplement the other online resources our pediatric office recommends.

What our pediatric office providers want caregivers to know

We tailor our blog to issues that we believe are important to parents. Some of the topics we cover include:

  • Common illnesses. At our pediatric office, we see lots of patients with colds and upper respiratory infections, ear infections and diarrhea. Often these ailments can be treated at home, but if serious, they may require medical intervention. Ear infections are caused by bacteria and may be treated with antibiotics after an office examination.
  • Safety and Preventive Medicine. Vaccination is an essential element of community health. Diseases like whooping cough are highly contagious and can be fatal, but they can be avoided through vaccination.
  • Seasonal and environmental maladies. Summers in Texas are hot and sunny, which means that summer skin care is important for parents to keep in mind. In late summer, West Nile virus is also a concern, so effective insect repellent is important.
  • Acute Illnesses. Croup is a highly contagious viral illness that causes coughing and fever. Strep throat and scarlet fever are both caused by the same strain of bacteria that causes a sore throat, and in the case of scarlet fever, a rash. Strep throat and scarlet fever can be treated with antibiotics.

Remember that our blog is only intended to supplement your understanding of your child’s health. Children are unique and our pediatric office believes that tailoring healthcare to fit their individual needs means improving the health of the entire Plano community. Never hesitate to contact our pediatric office with specific concerns about your child’s physical, mental or emotional healthcare needs.

Take advantage of our blog and learn more about your child’s healthcare. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our board certified pediatricians.

Keeping a Health Record for Children

Tips for keeping a health record for children

Our Plano pediatricians want parents to know about the benefits of maintaining a health record for children. An easily accessible account of your child’s medical history is essential when she moves, sees a new specialist, has a hospital stay and even when she’s applying for college.

Starting a health record for children

A health record for children is part keepsake and part historical record.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

What to Expect at Newborn Checkups

Why newborn checkups are important

Our Plano pediatricians are parents, so they know that new parenthood can be the most sleep-deprived time of a person’s life. Nevertheless, we encourage all parents to bring their babies in for newborn checkups. These checkups are important because they help us ensure that babies are growing and developing normally,

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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Home Safety Tips for Children

PSOP Kids offers home safety tips for children

As Plano pediatricians, we’ve learned from years of experience that it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to our patients. The CDC reports that injuries are the leading cause of death in children. We want our patients to have the best care possible, both in the office and at home.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Flu Prevention in Children

Flu prevention in children is important

2018 marks 100 years since the Great Flu Pandemic that sickened one-third of all people across the globe. Much has changed since that horrible flu season, in which 675,000 Americans died. Yet, modern strains of flu still pose a severe health threat. In fact, the CDC reports that 80,000 Americans died during the 2017-2018 flu season.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano PSOP Kids

Tips to Help Kids Avoid Winter Illnesses

We help kids avoid winter illnesses

Our Plano pediatricians see a lot of sick kids in the winter months. Being forced to stay indoors and in close proximity to other people during bad weather can account for some of these illnesses. The winter is also flu season. As experienced pediatricians and parents, we understand the discomfort and disruption that winter illnesses can cause.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Addressing Vaccination Anxiety in Children

Vaccination anxiety in children

As parents themselves, our Plano pediatricians know that vaccinations are almost everybody’s least favorite part of a doctor’s visit. But the momentary pain of a shot is worth it. Vaccinations prevent your child and those around them from getting dangerous diseases. Learn how to manage vaccination anxiety in children

Coping with vaccination anxiety in children

Whether your child is mildly distressed or throwing a wild tantrum before a shot,

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Myths About Children’s Health

Don’t believe myths about children’s health

Starve a cold, feed a fever. As Plano pediatricians, we’ve heard plenty of health myths over the years. While some myths about children’s health are harmless—avoiding too many sugary treats is a good idea, even if sugar doesn’t really make kids hyper—other myths can risk your child’s health and safety.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano PSOP Kids

Medical Care for Children at PSOP Kids

We specialize in medical care for children

At PSOP Kids, your child’s health is our specialty. Using years of experience, our physicians help little ones stay on the path to health and wellness. Our board certified pediatricians are proud to be trusted providers of medical care for children.

How to get the best medical care for children

New babies and their parents make many routine visits to the doctor’s office.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Finding the Right Pediatrician

Finding the right pediatrician starts with learning about their training

Finding the right pediatrician means finding a partner in the formative years of your child’s life. Board certified pediatricians are a great choice because they have been trained to foster the physical, emotional and mental development of children in a way that other medical professionals have not.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Fever in Children

How to identify fever in children

It’s late at night and your child is crying. You check on him and feel his forehead. He’s burning up. What now? As Plano pediatricians and parents ourselves, we’re familiar with the anxiety that fever in children can provoke. Fortunately, most fevers indicate that your child’s immune system is functioning as it should,

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano PSOP Kids Sick Child

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(972) 473-7777

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
3405 Midway Road, Suite 650
Plano, TX 75093

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