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What parents should know about learning differences

Learning differences refer to any condition or issue that causes children to think or learn differently. People also refer to these problems as learning disabilities. Our Plano pediatricians prefer to call conditions that affect learning “differences,” because the term focuses less on perceived weaknesses. It also avoids negative stereotypes and labels.

There is a wide range of difficulties that affect children’s ability to learn. Our experienced physicians are here to help parents navigate and identify these differences and treatments.

Some learning differences focus on reading and math difficulties

When children learn to read, write or do math, their parents and teachers sometimes discover that they do not understand or process the information in the same way that most of their peers do. Several different conditions cause these learning differences.

  • Dyslexia causes problems with reading.
  • Dysgraphia affects children’s handwriting abilities.
  • Dyscalculia means that the student may have difficulty making mathematical calculations and understanding concepts involving numbers.

Other auditory, memory and processing disabilities can affect a child’s ability to process, understand and/or remember different sounds and words.

How parents can identify learning difficulties

Parents are always the best advocates for their children. If mothers or fathers notice any issues that surprise or alarm them, they should talk to our Plano pediatricians. Often, children’s teachers identify issues during preschool or when a child reaches school age. Each child learns at his or her own pace, but parents should be aware of the following signs of a potential problem in preschool-age kids.

  • Language delays
  • Speech problems
  • Difficulty learning basic concepts, such as letters, numbers, shapes or colors
  • Problems with fine or gross motor skills

When school-age children experience issues with the following things, parents may want to seek advice from physicians.

  • Organization
  • Following directions
  • Memorization
  • Learning reading, spelling or math concepts
  • Focusing on schoolwork or tasks at home
  • Handwriting

Helping children manage issues that affect their learning and thinking

There are many resources available today to help children deal with learning differences and conditions that affect learning. Parents should talk to our Plano pediatricians to find out where to go to get help and support. Every child can thrive, no matter how they learn. Contact us for an appointment.